Animated Water


So water already is animated when it’s moving down a stream, a waterfall, a creek, basically anything, but what if you can make it come alive? Weird question to ask and that is exactly what Gatorade did when creating their ad. They used CGI and Motion Capture to make the water droplets interact with the body of the person. Everything had to be exact and precise so that it can come out perfect. I would say this was my favorite Motion Capture I watched.

Stop Motion Fun


The way she made everything interactive is what I liked. Her hand was real but everything else around her was hand drawn or cut out it looked.

Art Restoration


I always wondered how they were able to fix old paintings and make them brand new again without ruining the original painting. Of course the person who requests the painting to be restored wants it look exactly the way the artist first painted it.

Line Work

Line drawing is fascinating to me, something drawn with only one line and then depth is added to it with another line is what this artist has done. It takes him weeks to complete them but they are worth the look and and give off a 3d effect.

Painting Food?

These foods look so good and edible, but what if I told you they are actually made out of paint. Sounds crazy, but the way this artist uses her paints ticks the eyes into thinking that these are real foods. Not sure when they will make green oreos, that should be the hint there, however, they are amazing and fun.

Ink and Water


Ink in water sounds simple right? It does, however when taken to a new level, it creates mesmerizing images of the mixing of colors in water that makes it look like it’s dancing. The way the artists create scenes in the beginning of space through the use of props and the ink make for a wonderful show.

Surreal Animations


I enjoy looking at things like this especially when it’s surreal. These are very quirky and odd and will have your mine be blown literally.

Text Graphic Trends


Understanding that our next assignment is utilizing text to make to create  products for something and this video is showing the usage of text in certain graphic trends to create different visuals for viewers.

Design Trends of 2018


Going into designing, paying attention to these trends are helpful when creating logos and building a business because these will help show the type of work that a graphic designer is able to do. I personally will be paying more attention to things like this in the near future for my own reference.

Gradients making a come back

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I always thought that bright colors really wouldn’t be good to use especially creating a business. This is saying that gradients are making a comeback and they are also being called color transitions, but I am sure people would still be referring to them as gradients.

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